apocalypse represents feelings about being surrounded or endangered by a group mentality after a destructive conflict ended . Feeling that you are endangered by people who refuse to think for themselves as they try to save themselves .
Apollo To dream of Apollo represents an aspect of your personality that always has a positive solution . Growth , enlightenment , and insight . You or someone else that never fails to provide an inspirational or productive resolution to a problem . It may also reflect a protective attitude towards beauty , art , learning , and decency . A preference for a higher quality of life .
Apologize To dream of apologizing to someone represents regret . You may have done said or done something that you wish you hadn ’ t . Apologizing may also represent premature or unprepared attempts to solve a problem . You ’ ve realized that an obstacle is more difficult than you first believed . Feelings of embarrassment or failure . To dream that someone is apologizing to you represents restitution or vindication . Something wrong is being set right . A problem that has been bothering you may have finally been corrected . Alternatively , apologizing may represent realization of the truth and forgiveness . Letting go of past grudges .
Apostate To dream of an apostate or apostasy represents feelings about a renunciation of loyalty . Feeling that you are turning your back on friends , family , or something that is considered important in your life . A loss of faith in people or lifestyles . Positively , dreaming about an apostate may reflect feelings about yourself choosing to walk away from an empty life or empty relationship . Wanting more love or purpose for yourself . Choosing to walk away from people who want you to live a meaningless life . Losing faith or disowning people you can ’ t trust . Respecting yourself . Negatively , apostasy in a dream may reflect anxiety you have about having turned your back on someone . Fearing consequences for having walked away from someone . Respecting yourself too much .
Appetite To dream of having an appetite in a dream represents an eagerness to experience something or start something . Feeling interested in something or being ready to get involved . Wanting to learn or participate . Feeling ambitious or productive . To dream of having no appetite may reflect feelings about a certain type of situation or experience not interesting you at all . Not feeling eager at all to start something . Lacking ambition or interest .
Applause To dream of applause represents praise , enthusiasm , or appreciation . It may also point to an overwhelming sense of approval or a “ pat on the head ” from others .
Applause may also reflect an overwhelming feeling of relief that something good has finally happened . Being appreciative of good luck that affects a number of areas of your life .
Negatively , applause in a dream may reflect a self-centered or naive belief that other people are impressed with an accomplishment you ’ ve made . Being impressed with yourself for having done something difficult , or giving yourself a “ pat on the back .” It could also reflect jealousy of someone else getting more recognition or appreciation than you did . A narcissistic view of your accomplishments being impressive and important .
Apple Tree To dream of an apple tree represents a very powerful healthy influence in your life . A constant reminder of a need to be better than you are or to improve yourself . A person or situation that always tells you that you there is room for improvement . A healthy influence that is unwavering to never goes away .
Negatively , an apple tree may represent a person or situation that is constantly nagging you or embarrassing you into having to improve . Always feeling that you aren ’ t good enough or that there is always something else you need to improve . Feeling that there is too much of a healthy influence . A naive or nonobjective view about a permanent healthy influence only being easy or wonderful .
Apples To dream of red apple represents a healthy influence or a need for positive change . It reflects an awareness of bad judgments or willingness to change a negative situation . Something isn ’ t right and you want to correct it .
An apple may be a sign that you are willing to admit that you were wrong or that you wish to improve yourself .
Negatively , a red apple may reflect feeling good about choices that make you feel better than other people . Risking embarrassing yourself by arrogantly thinking you are better than other people . Arrogantly enjoying power or opportunities that neglect people who helped you achieve your power . Ignoring sound advice to enjoy power . Choosing to abandon family or friends to achieve something you don ’ t deserve . Not respecting or valuing what you already have . Feeling you are too good to have to choose a more boring responsible choice . Preferring to enjoy showing off instead of being responsible . To dream of green apples or granny smith apples represents good judgment , smart choices , or enjoying smart decisions that work in your favor . Enjoying non-arrogant choices . Enjoying being good at something that others wouldn ’ t want to work as hard to achieve as you would . Feeling good avoiding something dangerous .
Application To dream of an application represents feelings of having to reveal things about yourself in order to be accepted . Trying or hoping to get approval for something . Feeling that you need to be perfect for someone else you want to accepted by . Feeling that every single thing about you must be perfect in order to be accepted by someone . Feeling that if you do everything right that someone might accept you for something .
Negatively , dreaming about an application represents feelings of an excessive need to be approved by someone else . Hoping to be good enough for someone . Nervous about being a loser that won ’ t be accepted . To dream of lying on an application represents feelings of hiding things about yourself in order to be accepted by others . A dishonest attempt to get someone else ’ s approval .
Appointment To dream of having an appointment represents event or important opportunity that you don ’ t want to miss out on . Designating time or telling yourself to be ready for something . Your expectation for a certain type of experience . Showing restraint until the time is right . Alternatively , an appointment may reflect a deadline or last chance for something . Your expectation for a certain type of experience . Showing restraint until the time is right . Alternatively , an appointment may reflect a deadline or last chance for something . A situation where you feel that there is a limited window of time .
To dream that you are going to an appointment suggests that you are finally getting to do something that you ’ ve been waiting for . It may also reflect patience or restraint that is paying off . To dream of missing an appointment represents a lost opportunity or distractions . Losing your sense of priority . Not paying enough attention to details or signals . To dream of a dentist appointment may