Antique Cars
Antique Cars To dream of antique or old fashioned cars represents current decisions in an area of your life being influenced by the past or by nostalgia . If an old fashioned car is black or red this symbolizes your thoughts and decisions being too influenced by the past , or return to unhealthy habits or views . You need to focus more on what ’ s happening now and to the future .
Antiques To dream of an antique represents a memory or idea from the past that you cherish . Something from the past that you don ’ t want to let go of . You may be sensitive about how beautiful or good something used to be . Negatively , an antique may reflect a fear of change . An antique may also reflect time honored values , traditions , wisdom or something you ’ ve inherited . Something you perceive to be genuine , proven , or worth keeping . To dream of not liking or appreciating an antique suggests that you are moving away from outdated beliefs or old modes of thinking . You may be discarding or rejecting something from your past .
Antiseptic To dream of using an antiseptic represent a careful or precautionary attitude towards negative situations . Being certain or verifying that you aren ’ t doing anything wrong . Double-checking or being proactive . Alternatively , it could reflect a heightened desire to stay away from negative thoughts and think more positively . You may be monitoring your thoughts .
Antlers To dream of antlers represents your sensitivity about being told what to do . A sign that you or someone else is putting on a display to others that shows them you are unwilling to accept interference . To dream of glass antlers may be a sign that you are sensitive about being told what to do while also feeling that someone else could easily embarrass you or break your will . Feeling that you ’ ll look stupid about trying to keep someone out of your business if you aren ’ t perfect .
Ants To dream of ants represents small annoyances or petty issues thoughts . Ants may be a sign that you are too concerned with an issue that isn ’ t that big of a deal . Being irritated by endless overtime or compulsive behavior . Alternatively , ants may reflect your awareness of how annoying your behavior is to someone else who thinks your compulsive . Negatively , dreaming about ants may be a sign that you need to try harder to not be such a snob . To dream of army ants may reflect feelings about how excessive or dangerous an annoyance can be if you don ’ t avoid it . Feelings about petty or annoying people will become dangerous to you if you they are allowed to gather together against you . Grouping of petty or annoying issues that you feel is threatening .
Concerns about annoyances in your life that will never stop attacking you . Feeling annoyed by multiple petty concerns that are staring to attack you in a personal manner . Feeling threatened by total embarrassment of something small that will not give up until you change . A wish to avoid involvement with a person or situation because you are sure it will result in non-stop annoyance until you choose to go away . A very assertive annoyance .
Anus To dream of an anus represents the potential for unwanted situations or the creation of problems . To dream of anal rape symbolizes powerlessness to stop an undesirable situation from occurring .
Anxiety To dream of worrying represents anxiety or uncertainty that you are noticing yourself experiencing in waking life . Not feeling good having to witness yourself being concerned . Noticing yourself being shaken by something . Fear of failure or being impotent in your abilities . You may also have concerns about embarrassing yourself or noticing someone else doing better than you . A sign that you or someone else may be aware of your problem , but not doing anything about it . It may also reflect too much dwelling on the uncertainty of the future . Alternatively , anxiety may reflect uneasiness or growing impatience you have with someone in waking life .
Apartment To dream of being in a apartment unit represents a perspective on a situations where you feel you don ’ t have full independence or free will to act as you wish . A situation isn ’ t as interesting as you ’ d like it to be . Having to respect secondary issues or obligations . Stability in a situation where you don ’ t have full control . Minor emotional or financial turmoil . Minor obstacles to overcome while feeling generally secure . Negatively , being in an apartment unit may reflect feelings of having no choice about putting up with problems or annoyances that you don ’ t want to . Consider the saying “ beggars can ’ t be choosers .” Feeling annoyed that you can ’ t get time alone or do something privately .
Apartment Building To dream of an entire apartment building represents a perspective on a situation where you are experiencing a lack of free will or independence . There are obligations , responsibilities , or commitments that you are forced to be mindful of . Other people or other issues must be considered simultaneously with your own concerns . Consideration for others wishes may be a priority . You are not free to do as you please . Forced to live with problems or issues that you have no control over . Thinking of other people ’ s problems while also dealing with your own . Positively , an entire apartment building may reflect a perspective on a situation where you feel lucky or grateful to have a less than perfect experience . A willingness to put up with problems or share with other people if it means you get to experience winning . Not thinking of yourself having total independence or free will because obligations , problems , or other people require you to be mindful of them .
Apes To dream of an ape represents an aspect of yourself that is childish , primitive , overreacting , or irresponsible . You or someone else that has gone overboard . A sign that you need to calm down or be more objective . Feelings about yourself or someone else making an egotistical mistake .
To dream of calling someone an ape may represent a person or situation that you feel is childish , primitive , overreacting , or irresponsible .
Apocalypse To dream of an apocalypse represents feelings about a crisis situation in your life or major conflict . Living with the consequences of a destructive conflict . Uncertainty about what the future holds as you confront a life-changing event with little support . Feelings about a major change that has happened that requires you to survive it . Feelings needing to survive a divorce , major company change , or the end of an important relationship . Feelings about surviving the worst thing that has ever happened to you . Negatively , dreaming about an apocalypse may reflect anxiety or fear about your ability to survive a major change . Anxiety about what the future holds after a destructive conflict ended . Alternatively , it may reflect your willingness to live with a serious negative change in your life instead of choosing
to move on , apologize , or seek help . To dream of a zombie