Animosity To dream of animosity towards you represents conflict in waking life situations . A person or situation may feel hostile or antagonistic to your goals or wellbeing . Alternatively , animosity may reflect issues with confronting something you fear . You may also harbor feelings of resentment , anger , or jealousy .
Ankh To dream of an ankh represents a total loss of leverage . Complete subordination to the needs or wishes of others with more power than you . You may feel that others can dictate terms to you . The symbolism is based on the pharaohs using ankhs to symbolize their god-like power to dictate tothe people .
Ankles To dream about ankles represents personal flexibility . Your level of confidence about what you can or can ’ t do . It may also reflect your confidence about certain beliefs or goals . Healthy ankles may symbolize the belief that there is nothing wrong with what you are doing . Issues you don ’ t even consider to be a problem or a feeling that something can be easily changed . To dream of spraining your ankle represents obstacles or difficulties in your progress . To dream of a broken ankle represents a total loss of confidence or flexibility . New facts or criticism you ’ ve received have dispelled confidence in your beliefs or goals . To dream of a bleeding ankle represents a gradual loss of confidence or flexibility . Realizing that something you ’ re doing “ might ” be wrong . It may also reflect new rules or stricter regimen .
Anklet To see or wear anklet jewelry in a dream represents a powerful sense of personal flexibility or confidence . Feeling that something in your life is guaranteed or promised . A reflection of something that gives you absolute confidence or total personal discretion . To dream of being confined to anklet cuffs represents a limitation to personal flexibility . A person or situation that doesn ’ t want you making decisions or doing as you please .
Anniversary To dream of an anniversary represents a heightened sense of priorities . A waking life experience that humbles you , or reminds you about what is most important in your life . A sign that you may have to sacrifice petty issues or put off things that aren ’ t crucial . A dream of an anniversary points to a heightened sense of morality , facing your own arrogance , or having to confront problems you have avoided . It may also reflect a need to “ shed fat ” or get rid of the garbage in your life . To dream of your parents ’ anniversary represents a life situation that reinforces sounds judgment . Something that makes you do the right thing regardless of how you feel about it .
Annoy To feel annoyed in a dream may represent
annoyances that feel in waking life . A sign that you may need to express your honest feelings . Alternatively , annoyance in a dream may reflect feelings of powerlessness to stop something .
Annulment To dream of getting an annulment represents regrets or second thoughts about your choices or actions . You might have “ buyer ’ s remorse ” about something you thought was special or important .
Anorexia To dream of having anorexia represents self-deprivation .
You may feel like you don ’ t deserve something . You may have issue with guilt , self-acceptance , or your self-esteem . You may need to learn to love yourself or to let go of the past . Alternatively , the dream may symbolize your quest for perfection .
Answering Machine To dream of an answering machine represents ideas , insights , advice , or clear instructions that were given to you when you weren ’ t listening to it . “ Nobody was home ” when something important was said . Feeling that you didn ’ t listen to someone enough when it was important . Negatively , to dream of an answering machine represents ideas , insights , or advice that you aren ’ t listening to . You ’ ve “ gotten the message ”, but aren ’ t doing anything about it . You may have difficulties or frustration in understanding an idea or viewpoint . Something isn ’ t “ hitting home ” as quickly as it should be . Willfully ignoring advice in the present because you have more important things to do . Preferring to enjoy yourself not having to be concerned a problem until it becomes a big problem .
Antarctica To dream of Antarctica represents enormous challenges or hardships that you feel will never go away . Hardships or terrible situations that you are enduring completely on your own . You may feel isolated and lonely .
Anteater To dream of an anteater represents your feelings about yourself or others doings things that are noticeably unusual or too weird to other people . Interests that other people find eccentric , gross , or nerdy . Tastes for things that others don ’ t understand or are repelled by . Alternatively , an anteater may be a sign that you are totally uninterested in someone else ’ s unusual habits . Negatively , an anteater may represent an obsession with something that is very off-putting or boring to others .
Antenna To dream of an antenna represents emotional or psychological receptivity . How open you or someone else is to accepting new ideas or thoughts . Feelings yourself or others being able to easily relay information to others . You or someone else that is waiting for orders to follow . Communication that is effortlessly understood or “ just obvious .” Partnership communication that is easy . Negatively , an antenna may reflect feelings about all your actions or thoughts being easily monitored . Feeling that parents , authority figures , or enemies can easily communicate to each other . Feelings about yourself being easily controlled , observed , or outsmarted . Feelings about enemies easily making you feel stupid . Feelings about all your secret plans being easily communicated or understood by competitors . Jealousy of being too obvious to others . Frustration that it is too easy to understood how to outsmart you .
Anthill To dream of an anthill represents a problem that you don ’ t believe is too serious or important . You may be trying to avoid hard work or feeling lazy .
Antifreeze To dream of antifreeze represents decisions which are proactive or focused on preparedness . Making sure everything is in order before you proceed with a more important decision .