Dream Dictionary 1 | Page 34

Androids To dream of an android represents an aspect of your personality that is intelligent , but lacks feeling . Possibly a reflection of an intelligent person in your life that you feel is monotonous , boring , or doesn ’ t satisfy your emotional needs . It may also represent people you know that are antisocial or easily to control .
Anecdote To tell or read an anecdote in a dream represents enthusiasm for idealistic notions . A positive view of an idea or belief that you or someone else have had . Consider how the anecdote makes you feel when you think about it .
Anesthesia To dream of anesthesia represents a situation that helps to reduce the severity of a problem , or makes facing consequences more tolerable . It may also symbolize a compromise or concession that reduces a burden or unpleasant situation that can ’ t be avoided . Anesthesia may also represent a wish to avoid the full emotional impact of something that hurts you . To dream of having no anesthesia may reflect a difficult situation where you are required to feel the full emotional impact of fixing a problem . Painfully or uncomfortably being denied the ability to hide anything . Feeling that you can ’ t avoid how painful or unfair a correction is . Feeling that someone is being inconsiderate to your pain .
Angels To dream of an angel represents goodness , purity , protection , comfort , and consolation . Angels may also represent your view of a person or situation that you see as being a perfect solution to a problem . An angel reflects a wonderful situation in your life that relieves you of a burden or spares you of difficulty . An angel is indicative of a situation that leaves you feeling blessed , thankful , or lucky . An angel may also represent a partner , fiancee , or spouse that you see as being perfect . Angels often appear in the dreams of people who have had a powerful spiritual experience or renewed interest in their beliefs because it ’ s reflecting the sense of safety , belonging , or “ safe harbor ” that comes with these experiences . To dream of a person you know with angel wings represents some aspect of your personality that make you feel safer or relieved of a difficult situation . It may also reflect your feelings about that person making your life easier or protecting you in some way . It may also reflect your feelings about them being perfect . To dream of angel wings being cut off or burned off represents a problem or negative intentions that keep something or someone from being viewed as perfect . Wanting to see someone or something as perfect , but feeling that something is not allowing it . To dream that you are an angel represents your feelings of responsibility , or a need to protect others . Being someone else ’ s perfect solution to a problem .
Anger To dream that you are holding or expressing anger represents an awareness of frustration or agitation . Experiencing a disagreement with someone in your waking life or inner conflict with an aspect of your character . You may be experiencing frustrations and disappointments with others . Frustration with yourself . A need to be more assertive than you want to be . Powerful feelings of jealousy or being undervalued . Feeling of hostility in waking life . Being angry in a dream may also reflect you or someone else that is demanding to be acknowledged . It may also be a sign that you have unacknowledged aggression or hostility . Perhaps you feel undervalued , rejected , or jealous .
An angry person in a dream may represent a characteristic in yourself that you dislike or feel guilty about . Positively , anger in a dream may reflect an assertive stance towards problems that you were previously passive about . Negatively , anger in a dream may reflect your fear of person or problem that you have agitated . Fearing repercussions for your actions . Feeling that you have “ stepped over a line ” or risk doing so . “ Bottling up ” your frustrations or anger that you are having difficulty expressing . Insensitivity towards others who create complications for you . Annoyance at having to be more forceful than you want to be . Angry vengeful thoughts towards others .
Animal Skins To dream of animal skins represents feelings of confidence that you are in full control of a situation . Feeling good about problems being pathetic and totally managed . Feeling confident in your ability to use someone or repeat a humiliation whenever you want . Confident acceptance of yourself being bigger than someone else . Feelings of being an accomplished winner that can ’ t lose ever again . Enjoying yourself with total power to humiliate your enemies . Feeling good that someone else is permanently embarrassed with no way to get back at you . Enjoyment of someone else being 100 % powerless against you . Pride about bullies you humiliated . Negatively , animal skins may reflect pride in overpowering and permanently humiliating innocent people . Enjoying yourself with someone else ’ s powerlessness or weakness . Consider the animal for additional meaning .
Animals To dream of animals represents aspects of your personality or character based on the qualities of the particular animal . Animals can symbolize the untamed and uncivilized aspects of yourself . Fighting with an animal may reflect a part of you that you are trying to reject . It may also reflect conflict with your own behavior or unpleasant behavior you are experiencing with others . For example fighting a rat may reflect your conflict with a person in waking life that you discovered cheating you . To dream of a dead animal represents a change in your thinking or feeling . It may also reflect a loss or overcoming a problem . To dream of a wounded animal may reflect feelings about some aspect or quality of yourself being damaged based on the dominant characteristic of the animal .
To dream of meeting a marvelous animal may reflect your personality evolving or how incredible it feels to watch something new happening in your life . An amazing quality you see in yourself or another person . People who are experiencing healing often dream of baby animals . This is most likely reflecting the dreamers new sense of hope for the future or a new sense of believing in themselves after having lost hope from the illness or injury . For example baby dogs or horses may reflect new confidence or ambition after having lost it completely .
Animation To dream of watching an animation represents a non-serious or humorous experience you are having . Possibly even a reflection of how non-threatening you perceive a situation to be . You may be taking things light-heartedly .
Anime To dream of watching anime represents a carefree waking life or inner conflict with an aspect of your character . You may be experiencing frustrations and disappointments with others . Frustration with yourself . A need to be more assertive than you want to be . Powerful feelings of jealousy or being undervalued . Feeling of hostility in waking life .