Amish People
Amish People To dream of Amish people represents aspects of your personality that purposely resists change or wants to stall progress . You may not want to mentally or emotionally evolve in some way .
Ammunition To dream of ammunition represents the assets or resources required to face problems or achieve goals . Ammunition could reflect emotional strength , physical energy , social leverage , or even financial resources . Ammunition may symbolize something that gives you the power or energy to defend yourself against adversity . Running out of ammunition in a dream may represent feelings of hopelessness , a loss of will power , or feeling unable to defend yourself .
Amnesia To dream of amnesia represents you or someone has a poor memory of something . You may not remember something that other people do . Alternatively , amnesia may represent you or someone else that has blocked out or rejected a negative aspect of yourself . You may also be experiencing a recurring problematic person or situation that seems oblivious to what has already happened . Amnesia may be a sign that you or someone else doesn ’ t believe that they did anything wrong or finds it difficult to accept responsibility . Alternatively , amnesia may also represent a complete loss of direction . Original goals or intentions were abandoned . Negatively , amnesia may reflect an arrogant intentional attempt to pretend that something important was forgotten .
Amplifier To dream of an amplifier represents a magnifying force in your life . A situation that increases the importance of certain beliefs or actions . You or someone else may have a need to be heard . Alternatively , an amplifier may represent a catalyst of change . A situation that forces you or others to pay more attention .
Amputation To dream of amputation represents a loss of a part of yourself . Giving up power or abilities . You may feel “ robbed ” or unable to achieve goals . It may also reflect serious losses or dramatic changes that leave you feeling vulnerable . You may feel frustrated , limited , powerless , or helpless . It may also represent restrictions placed on you . Amputated hands reflect feelings of being unable to do as you please or losing a capability . Amputated legs represent a loss of independence . Amputated arms represents a loss of function , reach , or an extension of yourself .
Amulet To dream of an amulet represents something that makes you feel protected or increases confidence . You may be insecure or have low self-esteem .
Amusement Park To dream of an amusement park represents a chaotic situation in your life . A lot of ups and downs or unpredictability wherever you turn . Anxiety about unpredictable situations you feel compelled to go along with . Consider the specific rides for additional symbolism .
Anaconda To dream of anaconda represents feelings of being powerlessly restricted . It may also reflect your own attempts to guarantee that someone else is totally cut off from their goals . The threat of failure by being slowly restricted . Feelings about relationships or business dealing being gradually “ strangled ” or “ suffocated ” by problems .
Anal Sex To dream of anal sex symbolizes the creation of problems or negative experiences . Life experiences that totally “ screw you over ”, and leave you with unresolved problems . It reflects choices that never lead to anything productive . Anal sex in a dream is a sign that a situation is being made worse or that you feel you are getting “ the shaft ” from someone . Anal sex may also be a sign that you are giving in to bad habits . To dream of anal rape symbolizes a sense of powerlessness to stop a problem from “ screwing you over .” You may that problems are being made for you or that they are too big to overcome .
Analyst To dream of an analyst represents you or someone else that is assessing a situation or a problem . Possibly a reflection of your self-assessment . You may be taking a closer look at certain behavior or actions . You might also be trying to breakdown a problem or discover a root cause .
Anaphylactic Shock To dream of anaphylactic shock may reflect feelings about a situation being too stressful . Feelings of powerful uncontrollable stress and anxiety that dangerously pushes one “ over the edge .” Over-dramatic stress or anxiety that can cause you embarrassing failure or loss . Embarrassingly shocking failure that you feel you are powerless to do anything about without assistance . Embarrassing potential failure caused by an over-sensitivity . An over-sensitivity or unexpected problem requiring urgent attention .
Anarchy To dream of anarchy represents you or someone else that is flaunting the rules or taking matters into their own hands . You may need to show some restraint when expressing yourself . Anarchy may also reflect a lack of respect for rules or boundaries . It may symbolize disdain for the status-quo .
Ancestors To dream about ancestors represents acknowledgment of your inherited traits and tradition . You might also be trying to learn from your past or gain insight from more experienced people to intelligently deal with a problem .
Anchor To dream of an anchor represents immovability or “ staying put ” on an issue . You ’ ve accepted your current status . Holding tight or an unwillingness to change . It may also reflect stability and security with a choice . Stability during uncertain times . Being steadfast or unwavering . Alternatively , an anchor could represent a person or situation that is always dependable or stable . Positively , an anchor may reflect an influence in your life that brings you steadfastness and strength . Fixed or unchanging beliefs . A firm loyalty . Negatively , an anchor may reflect a stubborn attitude or an unwillingness to keep confronting a problem . It may also reflect a feelings of being stuck with a situation . Feeling held back by someone else that refuses to confront problems or move on . Feeling shackled to a relationship that isn ’ t working . Feeling tied to an emotional problem .
Androgynous To dream of an androgynous person represents an aspect of yourself that can ’ t integrate or fit in . Something ambiguous . It may also reflect your wish to feel good knowing you don ’ t belong or do something normal . Alternatively , an adrogynous person may represent some area of your life where feminine and masculine characteristics are present .