Airport To dream of an airport represents the beginning or the end of plans or ideas . Waiting to depart on a plane reflects a new idea or plan that is ready to take off . You are approaching a new departure in your life . You may be preparing to experience a new relationship , new career path or new adventure . Waiting for a plane to land reflects a current plan or idea that is finishing up . You may be expecting a relationship , career , or adventure to come to an end . Positively , dreaming about an airport may reflect high ambitions or high expectations as you prepare to embark on a new plan , project , or new situation . Negatively , an airport may reflect a naive , unprepared , or hasty mindset as you embark on new situations . Getting involved in new situations you are completely unqualified for . Getting ready to do something for a long period of time or the rest of your life without really thinking it through properly . Alternatively , an airport may reflect your feelings about preparing to travel . An elderly woman dreamed of being in an airport filling out forms . In waking life she was busy planning for a trip Israel that should couldn ’ t afford at all with no serious plan to actually travel .
Aisle To dream of waking down an aisle represents a transitional phase . Alternatively , it may represent conflicting choices or viewpoints . To dream of walking down a wedding aisle represents progression towards a psychological or situational unification . Problems or situations that are close to becoming more significant or obvious . To dream of a store isle represents a selective attitude . You or someone else that is totally focused on picking or choosing the things you want or wish to experience . A state of mind where you are casually or confidently acquiring whatever you want . Consider the type of store for additional symbolism .
Alarm To dream of an alarm represents a sense of urgency in a relationship or situation . A conflict you or someone else is experiencing that requires attention . Anxiety or stress may have reached an upper limit . Alternatively , an alarm may represent a breaching of boundaries or limits . You or someone else may have gone too far with something .
Alarm Clock To dream of an alarm clock represents a nagging reminder for urgent action . You may have responsibilities or people that require your attention . Alternatively , you may fear not having enough time to meet deadlines or accomplish a goal . Alternatively , you may fear not having enough time to meet deadlines or accomplish a goal .
Albatross To dream of an albatross represents an aspect of yourself that is noticeably overpowering or overshadowing . You or someone else that “ steals the show ” or feels like an unavoidable curse .
Albino To dream of an albino represents an aspect of yourself that is noticeably imperfect .
Alchemy To dream of alchemy represents feelings of expertise at transforming things in life that nobody like or respects into something beautiful or valuable . A special “ knack ” for “ turning shit into gold .” Negatively , alchemy in a dream may reflect a tendency to talk about incredible transformations that can ’ t be proven or repeated . Lying about change that is generally accepted as impossible . Desiring or living in want of an impossible transformation . Embarrassing yourself not accepting your losses or proven impotence . A naive belief that you can simply transform a loss with an incredible feat .
Alcohol To dream of drinking alcohol may represent the potential to go too far with your ideas or interests . Positively , it may reflect how you are enjoying yourself with something you really like .
Alcoholic To dream of an alcoholic represents you or someone else that can ’ t stop themselves from going overboard with something they enjoy . Having a problem controlling yourself . “ Burning yourself out ” with your interests or something that gives you pleasure . An alcoholic may also reflect a dependency on something you like doing that is destroying you . Something or someone may be too beautiful to stop liking .
Algae To dream of algae represents feelings of being unable to stop something in your life from growing or developing . Growth or progress being made that you find unpleasant . Something flourishing that you don ’ t like . Something that you find annoying or too time consuming to clean up after . Negatively , algae may reflect problems in your life that are developing that you find easier to do nothing about . Allowing a problem to fester or overgrow .
Aliens To dream of aliens represents aspects of your personality that are unfamiliar , unknown , or unusual . An alien may also represent a situation in your life that you can ’ t do anything about . You may also be observing , or experiencing things that are not normal for you . Things that may be hard to explain or understand . To dream of being an alien represents your feelings of being an outsider , being unaccepted , or misunderstood . You may feel like you don ’ t belong , or can ’ t fit in .
Alimony To dream of paying alimony represents “ paying ” for past actions and mistakes . A bad reputation may still effect you , you may be living with the consequences of bad choices , or you have obligations linked to your past .
All-Seeing Eye To dream of the all-seeing eye represents a higher level of awareness , or becoming more conscious of yourself and of the world around you . You may be experiencing a time in your life where you are mentally , or spiritually evolving . The all-seeing eye is common to users of ayahuasca or other hallucinogenic substances as it symbolizes the higher level of consciousness , awareness , or insight that is being gained while using the substances . It also reflects the feelings the user has of connecting to something greater than themselves .
Allergy To dream of allergies represents sensitively to certain people or situations . You may feel that you are physically or emotionally limited from doing something .
Alley To dream of being in an back alley represents issues or situations that are off limits . You may be doing something or thinking about something that you know you aren ’ t supposed to be .