AIDS To dream of having AIDS or sexually transmitted diseases represents thoughts and feelings associated with choices or mistakes that fill you with powerful regret . You may feel permanently contaminated , ruined , or compromised . AIDS or STDs can also be symbols associated regrets or concerns over sexual partners you ’ ve had . You may feel dirty , or violated .
Aim To dream of aiming for something represents a goal you are trying to achieve . Aiming a gun or weapon may reflect selfcontrol issues or your attempt to assert yourself . Aiming a weapon may also represent your attempt to use power or resources to achieve a goal . It may also be a sign that you want to take control over a situation . You are aiming for something you want in life .
Air To dream about air represents a crucial element in your ability to succeed or prosper . Clean air may reflect the needed freedom , creativity , intelligence , or inspiration you need to succeed . Dirty air may reflect negative influences , interferences , or disturbances that block your ability to prosper . A crucial element to your happiness or success is lacking .
Air Conditioner To dream of an air conditioner represents your attempt to keep calm , cool , or collected . Trying your best to not worry , keep relaxed , or prevent anger from erupting . Keeping a negative situation progressing as smoothly as you can . Trying hard to maintain composure . To dream of an air conditioner not working represents your ability to keep calm or relaxed while under pressure than has been compromised . You ’ ve lost a helpful resource or tool to keep stress or negative feelings at bay .
Air Force To dream of the air force represents a defensive attitude about your ability to be free or independent . A conflict with a person or situation that wants to hijack your freedom or independence for good . A collaborative defense against someone or something that is interfering with your free will , creativity , success , or ability to do things on your own terms .
Air Freshener To dream of an air freshener represents you or someone else that is forcing a situation to feel better or “ positiver .” Making sure that a situation has to feel improved no matter what . An air freshener may reflect forced concession or compromises that allow you or someone else to feel more confident , respected , or cared about . If the air freshener is too overpowering it may be a sign that you or someone else is going too far to cater to other people ’ s feelings . It may also be a sign that you are annoyed by a compromise you ’ ve made to smooth out a bumpy relationship .
Air Raid Siren To dream of an air raid siren represents feelings of being overwhelmed by things you can ’ t control . Anxiety , fear , or terror that you must focus on self-preservation before all else . Fear of doing anything except being cautious . A warning or intuitive feeling that you need to drop what you are doing to avoid a threat . A top priority to avoid danger that is “ out of the blue .” Feeling a lack of control in your life . Closing yourself off because you feel a situation is too dangerous . Negatively , an air raid siren may be a sign that you are terrified of having to confront certain people or situations . Avoiding people or situations that you don ’ t like at all costs . An emotional threat that you would so anything to avoid .
Aircraft Carrier To dream of an aircraft carrier represents total preoccupation with confronting a negative or uncertain situation . Never standing down and asserting yourself as much as you can . Throwing everything you have at your problem or enemies . An aircraft carrier may be a sign that you are unwilling to put up with a difficult person or situation any longer . Using all your resources to hold your ground . It may also reflect your patience with wanting to totally embarrass someone . Waiting for a sign that it ’ s time to finish something off for good .
Airplane Crash To dream of an airplane crashing represents plans , projects , or something you have just started that has now failed . Major setbacks , oversights , or disappointments . Something in your life that you were “ getting off the ground ” has become a disaster emotionally .
Airplane Tickets To dream of airplane tickets represents ideas , solutions , or answers to problems that gives momentum to plans you have . An event or piece of information that gives you the power or needed resources to make something happen . The ability to initiate an experience or get something “ off the ground .”
Airplanes To dream of an airplane represents the trajectory or momentum of plans , ideas , or projects that you wish to “ get off the ground .” Positively , airplanes are a reflection of successful experiences that are progressing . Everything coming together to ensure a desired controlled outcome . Negatively , airplanes may reflect the realization plans , ideas , or projects that aren ’ t working out as expected . Everything seems to be coming together to ensure an outcome that can ’ t be stopped . Alternatively , an airplane may reflect frustration or jealousy at seeing someone else succeeding or gaining momentum with their plans . Not liking experiencing someone doing something you can ’ t do or are unable to stop . To dream of missing a flight represents lost opportunities or feeling that everything that could go wrong is going wrong . Plans are not working out as you had hoped .
You may be juggling too many responsibilities . Something you are striving for is elusive . Pushing harder may not be a good solution to your problems . It may be a good idea to slow down . Better planning or preparation may be helpful . To dream of an airplane taking off symbolizes plans , ideas , or projects taking off . There is momentum or progress . It may also reflect a situation that can ’ t be stopped . To dream of an airplane crashing represents a loss of momentum , progress , or confidence . Plans or projects that you thought would work suddenly fail . To dream of an airplane that aborts a flight represents delays or disappointments with plans or projects you have . To dream of flying on a plane to another country represents the realization of plans or choices leading a different mental state . A current situation is moving you towards completely different emotions or focus . To dream of an invisible airplane may reflect feelings of uncertainty about your progress in situation . Feeling success or progress without being able to effectively see it happening . Dreams of airplanes can sometimes reflect our feelings about people dying or the journey of death .