DREAM BIG #3 February 2015 | Page 24

However, they were excited

to see their work come back

to life with the addition of





Artists: Samantha Ames,

Katelynn Campbell,

Katelynn Provost, Shayla

Thomas, Jasmine Taylor,

Alyssa Phelps, Joseph

Saint Juste, Krystal Winter

Materials; Ceramic clay

rolled into 1/4" sheets in

a clay press, sharp tools

for incising into the clay,

acrylic paint, fibrous

cloth, oil pastel for

embellishment of the


About; The students

who participated in this

project are enrolled in a

3-D Ceramics class. Since

we were limited to

working on fabric, the

students combined the

two mediums and

created prints from

sheets of clay incised,

textured and painted to

produce an image.

Students explored space

exploration possibilities

after the end of the

Space Shuttle program

right here in our own

back yard!

"Mars Space Exploration"


"Mission Mars"

"Breaking through the Atmosphere"

"Space Explorer"

"Space Exploration Project"

"Mars Lost on Mars"


"Space Exploration"