DREAM BIG #2 August 2014 | Page 23


1. How does this assignment fit into your States common core curriculum standards? This does not apply to us since we are an After School Program.

2. Did you and your students enjoy working on this assignment? Yes and No. Yes, some students put their all into it while others did not realize how much they would need to accomplish and so opted to do nothing.

3. Do you see any room for improvement? Yes, I would have started earlier. My school had Spring Break on 4/14 – 4/18, so we lost a crucial week of project time. Even though when asked, the students said they had enough time for their projects – I still felt that I was rushing them. And, we had a school-wide art show during the first week of April and the students had done phenomenal work, so I already knew what they were capable of and to see some of their artwork for this Electricity project, it did not seem as though they put their all into it or had enough time to put their all into it!

(Evaluation, April 5, 2014)

Thomas Edison demonstrates incandescent lighting to the public for the first time (1879)

Artist: Rachael L., Emma M., and Amy B.

Title: "Using Same Electronics"

Artist: Emma V. and Sheila W.

Title: "New York Storm"