Youth Sports
Pee Wee Sportsters Winter Break Camp
Ages 4–6
If your child loves the world of sports,
then do not miss this 3 day camp.
Participants will learn the fundamentals
of basketball, baseball, kickball, soccer,
floor hockey, and many other sports and
fun activities. Organized games emphasize
sportsmanship, sharing and team work. All
equipment will be tailor made to ensure
success with every participant. jc
Min/Max: 5/30
Sports Kids Inc., Instructor
Mon., Thurs. & Fri.
12/30, 1/2 & 1/3
R: $30/NR: $36
Registration in progress
Young Sportsters Winter Break Camp
Ages 7–9
Does your child love sports? This camp will
give your child the opportunity to play in a
fun, safe and well-supervised setting. Team
sports such as baseball, soccer, basketball,
floor hockey and more will be covered. We
will also give participants a chance to be
exposed to other activities such as tennis
and golf. Group games will be included.
Our goal is to teach boys and girls the
enjoyment of playing for the sake of the
sport itself. jc
Min/Max: 5/30
Sports Kids Inc., Instructor
Mon., Thurs. & Fri., 1:30–3:00pm
12/30, 1/2 & 1/3
R: $30/NR: $36
Registration in progress
Pee Wee Track, Field & Fitness
Ages 4–6
Join us for a fun workout and to learn about
a sport that is rich in tradition and history.
This unique class will combine stretching,
movement, and other fitness concepts with
running, jumping, throwing and other skills
used in track and field. Hula hoops, jump
ropes, parachutes, soft balls and frisbees,
hurdles and other equipment will help us
guide through fitness activities and track
and field events in a safe en ???????? ???)????????????????????????????????)????????????????????????????????????????)?????????????M?????M????I???1???????)1?????!?????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????=????)???????????????????????????????????)?????????????????????Q????????????()???????????????????????M?????-???????)?????????????????????????????????????)5???5???????)M?????-???%?????%???????)A1