DOZ Issue 27 January 2018 | Page 11

Goal setting has been described as the master skill of success. Even Jesus pointed that out when He asked, “is there anyone here who, planning to build a new house, doesn’t first sit down and figure the cost so you’ll know if you can complete it?” (Luke 14:28). It goes like this ladies: if you want to have a great year, you’ve got to plan for a great year. How can you do this? Before I walk you through how you can set goals for your life, health, career or business, let me first say this to you: setting goals doesn’t mean that you don’t trust God or that you are trying to figure out everything on your own. In fact, the opposite is true. Sitting down to prayerfully contemplate your goals for the year avails you the opportunity to listen to God’s voice in everything you do. It is He, “Who teaches you how to live right and well.” (Isaiah 48:17, MSG). This shows that you trust Him and believe that He is able to lead you in the path that you should go. Secondly, your goals are not final, God’s will for your life is. It is therefore important that you continue to allow Him to hold the reins of your life (direct you towards His purpose), and choose His perfect will for your life over what you think is right. Now, that we’ve got that out, let’s get down to business. In planning to have a successful year, the first thing is to define what “success” means to you. To do this, you have to consider your God-given vision and purpose. (PS: if you are yet to discover God’s will for your life, then that’s exactly where you want to begin. Seek Him in prayer – and by reading His word – and ask Him to reveal to you His will for your life. Do this with an open heart and a willingness to accept His will). Knowing your God-given purpose, whatever you will be committing your time to this year should be leading you towards that purpose. There are 5 areas of your life that you should integrate into your plan as you set your goals for the year. They are: Your “Self ”: This includes your spiritual life and growth, and your personal development goals. How do you plan to deepen your relationship with God, your work in His Kingdom, and becoming a more effective individual? Your health and fitness: You need to be in good health condition and fit to achieve your goals. Make plans on how you can attain or stay physically strong throughout the year and beyond. Your Family and Relationships: Most people get carried away by the work they have to do that they don’t take the time to nurture their relationships – spouse, family, close friends, etc. Integrate how you are going to carry your important relationships along and/or revitalize those you have unknowingly burned in the past. Your Finances: Your career or business falls into this category because that’s where you are making money from. How are you going to increase in those areas? Managing your finances, paying off debts, saving, investing all belong here. Your Social Life: Many Christian women believe that piety means that you have to be uptight and not have fun at all. But you can have wholesome fun like hiking or going on a picnic with friends, church group or colleagues at work to relax once in a while. Just remember your values as a Christian, and that will help you choose which activities to partake in. For each of these areas, choose ONE major goal and 2 supporting goals to focus on. I recommend fewer goals because – mostly from experience – I have come to realize that having too many goals leaves you overwhelmed, confused and frustrated. The end result is that you will not be able to meet most of your goals. You know where you currently stand in each of these areas; so, what will be your ideal next step? Also, don’t set too high and unrealistic goals that DOZ Magazine January 2018 11 «