DOZ Issue 13 November 2016 | Page 9

the poor ; yea , she reacheth forth her hands to the needy . She is not afraid of the snow for her household : for all her household are clothed with scarlet . She maketh herself coverings of tapestry ; her clothing is silk and purple . Her husband is known in the gates , when he sitteth among the elders of the land . She maketh fine linen , and selleth it ; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant . Strength and honour are her clothing ; and she shall rejoice in time to come . She openeth her mouth with wisdom ; and in her tongue is the law of kindness . She looketh well to the ways of her household , and eateth not the bread of idleness . Her children arise up , and call her blessed ; her husband also , and he praiseth her . Many daughters have done virtuously , but thou excellest them all . Favour is deceitful , and beauty is vain : but a woman that feareth the Lord , she shall be praised . Give her of the fruit of her hands ; and let her own works praise her in the gates .”
The leadership lessons from the life of this great woman that many aspire to be like , are as follows ;
1 She is an extraordinary woman . She is in high demand , she is sought after , because of the qualities she possesses . She is different from other women . She is a rare breed . She stands out from the crowd and not only is she different , she is comfortable with being different . She is truly a leader .
2 She understands that trust is a vital part of every relationship and she does nothing to break trust with her husband . She follows her husband ’ s leadership without rebellion or criticism . Her words and actions are in congruence ; therefore , her husband can trust her . She is a leader .
3 She is a seeker . She does not wait for work to come to her or to be offered employment . She goes looking for something to do . She does not sit at home bemoaning a lack of job , she seeks work and when she finds it , she works willingly , not out of compulsion . She has a great attitude to work . She is a leader .
4 She is highly organised and highly efficient . She plans her work and works her plan . She takes responsibility for the care and feeding of her household . She is in charge . She is a leader .
5 She does not invest her money without proper thought . She is a deep thinker and buys only after due consideration . She spends her money wisely , not on trivial things but on things which will yield returns . She does not invest in liabilities but in assets . She is a leader .
6 She is a hard worker . She takes her time to produce quality goods . And she knows the value
9 of her products . She does not require any one to encourage or motivate her . She is self-motivated . She is a leader .
She puts a smile on the faces of others . She does not turn away from the sufferings of the less privileged . She reaches out to all who are poor and needy around her and she meets their needs . She is full of love and compassion for all . She has made herself of service to those around her . She is a leader .
She makes plans for the future and so is never caught unawares or taken by surprise . Thus , she has no need to fear ; for when snow arrives , the appropriate clothing for her family is in place . She lives ready . She is a leader .
She views herself as royalty and this is reflected in her clothing of silk and purple , which symbolise wealth and prestige . She does not see herself as trash so she does not dress like trash . Her choice of clothing is a reflection that she honours herself . She is a leader .
10 She is the proverbial successful woman behind a successful man . Her presence in her husband ’ s life adds value to him . His life is better and not worse with her in it . Her honour , dignity and success help her husband to succeed and give him a dignified place among the great men in the land . She is a leader .
11 She understands the importance of words and so she chooses her words carefully . She speaks words that build and not destroy . She motivates those around her with her words . She is a leader .
12 She understands that charity begins at home and therefore she pays attention to her household . Nothing happens in her home that she is unaware of . She understands well the needs of her husband and children and she rises to meet those needs . She does not stay idle . She is not a busybody caring for another ’ s vineyard while leaving hers unkempt . She is a leader .
13 She is a woman praised by those who are closest to her and who know her well . Her husband and children are happy to identify with her . She has made their lives better . This woman is without doubt a leader .
14 She is an example and an inspiration to all women . She is a pacesetter and a trailblazer . Many are inspired by her . Many seek to be like her . She is a leader .
DOZ Magazine | November 2016 | 9 «