Downsizing in Australia - Stewart & Jethro Reed | Page 96



• Share heirlooms with your family .
Offer up cherished items to your family or friends . Write down your memories and include that with the associated item . It is important , though , to be prepared for the reality that your family may not want anything . Those things that were must-haves in days past are often not as important to our children and grandchildren . Today ’ s fast-paced world has made things like china and crystal somewhat obsolete . If it doesn ’ t go in the microwave , or you can ’ t wash it in the dishwasher , it is likely not going to fit today ’ s lifestyles .
• Don ’ t be afraid to ask for help .
If you find that the task is just too much for you , either physically or emotionally , get some help . If family or friends can ’ t help , consider hiring a professional organiser .