Downsizing in Australia - Stewart & Jethro Reed | Page 107

Dean Lupson

Dean Lupson

decisions about what will fit best in the new space . The last thing you want to do is take too much stuff and end up having to move some back out .
If you are doing your own packing , here are some tips :
• Make sure you reinforce the bottom and seal the top well .
• Ensure the items in each box mostly go together — that way , you can label each box , ‘ kitchen ’, ‘ living room ’, ‘ bedroom 1 ’ etc ., which will make unpacking much easier .
• Never fill the boxes to capacity with heavy items — this will make them difficult to move ( each box should be no more than 20 kilograms ). Place heavy items on the bottom and lighter or fabric items on top .
• Fill any gaps in the box with clothing or bubble wrap so that items don ’ t move around and get damaged .