Downsizing in Australia - Jason and Lauren | Page 27

Dean Lupson

Dean Lupson

On the positive side , it can be extremely helpful to use loved ones as a sounding board to clarify your own thoughts . On the negative side , you may need to be careful that advice given is truly in your best interests .
Ultimately , this is your decision . Your family or friends may have similar or differing views , but in the end , you will have to live with the decision made for many years to come so I suggest you make the decision — before someone or something else does !
That said , you may be in the fortunate situation of having loving people around you who truly do have your interests at heart . In that case , you should be open to their suggestions .
Bill and Janette did not discuss the future with their son , and their son felt he could not raise the matter of their failing health with them . As a result , an opportunity was lost .