Downsizing in Australia - Jason and Lauren | Page 17

Dean Lupson

Dean Lupson

So to free up some time maybe we can move to a smaller home and rid ourselves of maintenance and workload . We might dine out more often rather than figuring out what to eat and spending time cooking it . Our newfound free time could be spent playing sports — bowls , golf , tennis , cards — or going to shows , the theatre , movies or other entertainments with friends and becoming more engaged with people of the same age , rather than sitting in the same room watching TV all day .
Yes , downsizing means less space , hence the need to reduce one ’ s belongings , but this does not have to be a bad or frightening thing . Indeed , you will feel like a great weight has been lifted off you , freeing your mind and body to start afresh .
So perhaps a better question is : Why not downsize ?
Is your house too big ? Are the bills , maintenance and workload taking up too much time and too big a portion of your budget ?