Downsizing in Australia - Jason and Lauren | Page 15

Dean Lupson

Dean Lupson

I ’ ve witnessed a situation where the decision-making has been passed on to another loved one who made numerous mistakes that resulted in substantial and unnecessary stress , personal cost , and financial loss .
Many older Australians fear downsizing because they think all it means is having to get rid of some of their lifelong family belongings . As a result , they continue to live in homes much bigger than they need or even want . They may have four bedrooms , two bathrooms and two living areas , but a large number of this generation only use one bedroom , one bathroom , one living room .
Those extra rooms tend to become a storage locker for their own never-looked-at items , as well as items that belong to their adult children — who have long since moved on and probably can ’ t even remember what they are . If you are chuckling right