Downeast Maine NHA_Feasibility Study 2022 | Page 35


Community Planning & Support

Chapter 3 evaluates Criterion 6 of the required criteria for National Heritage Area designation .
Criterion # 6 – Planning & Support Residents , business interests , non-profit organizations , and governments within the proposed area are involved in the planning , have developed a conceptual financial plan that outlines the roles for all participants including the federal government , and have demonstrated support for designation of the area .
Convenings & Discussions
Discussions around the possibility of forming a National Heritage Area designation occurred for several years , beginning with conversations about a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve . Wild blueberry Farmers spoke with state and regional representatives and other farmers . Small convenings led to larger ones with a growing number and diversity of stakeholders .
On July 25 , 2019 , Sunrise County Economic Council hosted a small group of community stakeholders , also attended by the NHA Program Manager for the National Park Service ’ s Northeast Region . At the conclusion of that day ’ s conversations , the group decided to hold a public summit to bring together a broader set of stakeholders and community leaders