Downeast Maine NHA_Feasibility Study 2022 | Page 25

Although industrial resource extraction in Downeast Maine started as far back as the 1700 ’ s , Downeast Maine remains one of the last places in this country to be highly developed . After the industrial boom periods of the 1800 ’ s and 1900 ’ s waned , industry grew more slowly here than elsewhere in the state , in New England , or even in the neighboring provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia . The gradual and modest level of development allows the relationship between people and land to remain strong and the landscape to retain key elements of our nation ’ s natural and cultural stories .
For the past two-plus decades communities within DownEast Acadia have partnered locally , regionally , and with state agencies to plan and implement projects , programs , strategies , and policies that leverage cultural and natural resources as an economic and community development tool . Although the plans , policies , and programs are varied and the oversight organizations are diverse , they all share a goal of health , education , continuity , and prosperity for the human , environmental , cultural , historic , business , and scenic assets of DownEast Acadia communities .
The Good Life of Helen & Scott Nearing - The Good Life Center in Harborside is the final home of Helen and Scott Nearing , who embodied a philosophy of sustainable living through homesteading that has come to be recognized as a centerpiece of America ’ s “ Back to the Land ” and “ Simple Living ” movements . The Good Life Center perpetuates the legacy of Helen and Scott Nearing through its programming that educations and advocates around simple and sustainable living skills , social and economic justice , organic gardening , and the non-exploitation of animals . Photo by The Blessing Bucket .
Chapters 7 outlines a long list of resources directly related to the nationally important story which retain the integrity needed to support National Heritage Area interpretation in Downeast Maine .