navigable and abundant with wildlife . Landscape features that were key to mapping the eastern part of the nation are intact today .
Historic villages and ornate homes built in the nation ’ s infancy remain intact on coves and rivers where timber , shipbuilding , and fisheries industries boomed . Granite and timber industries provided the raw materials to build the infrastructure of these small towns and many early eastern cities .
Gordon ’ s Wharf , Sullivan - The rapid growth of cities along the eastern seaboard allowed granite quarries to prosper . In the late 1800 ’ s , in Sullivan alone , over 400 men were employed in these quarries . Sailing vessels carried pavers and curb stones from Gordon ’ s wharf for over 100 years . Illustration from Schoodic National Scenic Byway Interpretive Panel .
Chapter 7 contains a significant ( but not exhaustive ) inventory of notable natural , historic , and cultural resources directly associated with the nationally important story of Downeast Maine ( detailed in Chapters 5 and 6 ).
These resources , when woven together through existing and new collaborations , enable a cohesive , comprehensive interpretation of the nationally important heritage story of Downeast Maine . Because of the large size and diverse resources of this potential heritage area , heritage resources would best be managed as an assemblage by a partnership of local , regional , state , and federal agencies .
Resources within this inventory are currently managed by public and private entities , most of whom already collaborate with others to some extent for planning , development , interpretation , and promotion . Numerous opportunities for partnership development exist within the two-county region , and many groups have expressed their willingness to work in partnership to implement the National Heritage Area .
Strengthening existing partnerships through the NHA program creates capacity to establish regional preservation and educational priorities . It would enable development of comprehensive , cohesive educational and interpretive heritage and open space programs and recreational opportunities . An NHA Management Entity composed of public / private partnerships and supported by dedicated staff could coordinate partnership efforts and promote the National Heritage Area as a whole .