Fulfillment of NHA Baseline Criteria
Designation as a National Heritage Area ( NHA ) requires the proposed NHA to meet each of 10 base criteria set forth by the National Park Service . The Feasibility Study evaluates whether or not these criteria are met , including examination of a region ’ s national significance and its collective ability to manage and sustain a successful National Heritage Area Program .
Following are the 10 required criteria to be addressed , and a summary of conclusions regarding whether or not the proposal for a Downeast Maine National Heritage Area meets these criteria . The reason behind each conclusion is further detailed in the body of the Feasibility Study , within the chapters referenced below .
Waponahki Museum , Picking Sweet Grass - The Wabanaki people have long utilized sweet grass for making strong containers for daily needs . What was once predominantly utilitarian craft has become a fine art demanding a high price and museum status . The Waponahki Museum displays traditional tools , baskets , arts , artifacts , historic photos , and conducts preservation of the Passamaquoddy language . Life-size mannequins , modeled after actual Passamaquoddy Tribal members , are arranged in settings depicting their traditional day-to-day lifestyle .