Monument Cove - Unique land features like those found at Monument Cove on Mount Desert Island reveal the specific geologic formation of Downeast Maine to inspire works of art and wonderment . Photo by Del Higgens .
The Feasibility Study
The Feasibility Study is the first step in seeking a National Heritage Area designation . The Feasibility Study determines if the heritage resources and story are nationally significant , whether or not the community supports this idea , and if there is adequate community commitment to successfully manage an NHA program for the long term . The Feasibility Study is conducted by a group of local representatives of the different heritage stories and heritage organizations . Community input is sought from as many residents , business owners , municipalities , and organizations as possible across the region . The Feasibility engages community members to explore these questions together :
Peavey Memorial Library , Eastport - Most libraries in Downeast Maine occupy wellpreserved historic structures . Some have always been libraries while others played various roles in their communities .