doTERRA Essentials eu-en | Page 43

Essential Oil Singles


Commonly known for its sour and tangy taste , grapefruit is the rotund , yellow-orange fruit of an evergreen citrus tree . Grapefruit essential oil is derived from the rind of this fruit and is cherished for its many uses and benefits .
Main Benefits :
Delivers fragrant and uplifting flavours to food and drink with its robust , citrus properties
Popular for its sour , tangy taste
Refreshing citrus aroma is beneficial in invigorating the senses Uses :
Grapefruit essential oil creates a fruity and spry flavour when added to drinks or food .
To enliven the flavour of your smoothies , add one drop of Grapefruit essential oil to your favourite recipe .
Add as the perfect compliment when cooking or baking with other citrus flavours .