Limited Lifetime Warranty on Ceramic Parts : D . O . T . Furniture offers a limited lifetime warranty on ceramic parts of the Golden Egg BBQ Oven to be free of defects in material and workmanship . Warranty is only valid to the original purchaser with an original receipt .
5-Year Warranty on Metal Parts : D . O . T . Furniture offers a five ( 5 ) year warranty on all metal and cast iron parts used in this the Golden Egg BBQ Oven to be free of defects in material and workmanship
1-Year Warranty on Thermometer and Gaskets : D . O . T . Furniture offers a one ( 1 ) year warranty on the thermometer and gaskets of the Golden Egg BBQ Oven are free of defects in material and workmanship .
Before use , be sure to completely read the user manual for instructions and care . For complete warranty details visit dot-furniture . com / goldeneggbbq /