DOT 2018 - 2023 Proposed Highway Improvement Program | Page 4

Reduce Crashes: Addressing the goals of Lake County's Strategic Plan Improving transporta on con nues to be a top goal of the Lake County Board, and therefore the Lake County Division of Transporta on (LCDOT) builds our Five-Year Plan around the strategies and ac ons out- lined in the Strategic Plan. The county board recognizes that a good transporta on system is cri cal to suppor ng a high quality of life and economic growth. Residents and motorists don't know or care which jurisdic on is responsible for the road, they just want to be able to get where they're going quickly and safely. In this fi ve-year plan you will see that Lake County is inves ng more than $500 million in transporta on between now and 2023, which includes making roads safer, wider, and even smarter. Let’s take a closer look at the details of the strategic plan and the ac ons that have been iden fi ed under the goal “IMPROVE TRANS- PORTATION”. The Lake County Board developed fi ve main strate- gies to improve transporta on. This was done with careful analysis of previous progress, studying data and current trends at the regional and na onal levels, researching emerging technologies and by gathering extensive input from the public. Safety has always been our top priority, and the Strategic Plan outlines working collaboratively with state, regional and local agencies, and county residents to reduce the number of fatal and serious injury crashes on Lake County nty roadways. One way we are working to reduce crashes is by producing and communicating coordinated safety cam- paigns with our partner agencies. Among these programs are public safety announcements, nouncements, videos, newsletter articles, and d DUI and safety belt checkpoints. These eff orts help to keep safety issues topmost in Lake County drivers' minds. Currently, the LCDOT is partnering with the Lake County Sheriff 's Offi ce on a '100 Deadliest Days of Sum- mer' campaign highlighting safe driving behaviors.