DOT 2018 - 2023 Proposed Highway Improvement Program | Page 37

tation funds. Federal transportation fund sources are formula program funds that fl ow through and are administered by IDOT. Some of the Funds Distribution | 2018-2023 by program category federal transportation funds that fl ow through IDOT then fl ow through the Chicago region’s federally-required metropolitan planning organi- zation (MPO), which operates in concert with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP). Lake County is a member of the Policy Committee. Some of these federal funds at MPO discretion then fl ow to the CMAP regional council of mayors, of which the Lake County CMAP Council of Mayors is one of eleven. LCDOT is a member of the Lake County CMAP Council of Mayors and provides the staffi ng for it, utiliz- 25% 30% 36% 8% Preservation Modernization Expansion Debt Service ing federal pass thru funding. Source: LCDOT Information Services | CPMS v.5a Joint Projects Whenever possible, joint projects are undertaken in cooperation with other agencies, and are very common with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). All federal funds are administered by IDOT. Funds Distribution | 2019 Other county projects involve municipalities; for example, costs of new by program category non-motorized facilities are shared, with the municipality paying 20% of the local share. The county prepares the necessary agreements for construction, maintenance and participation on costs for these facili- ties. Only the county’s portion of the costs of joint projects is typically shown until the project is through the design phase and assigned costs are known. 24% 30% 37% 10% Preservation Modernization Expansion Debt Service Source: LCDOT Information Services | CPMS v.5a 2018 - 2023 Proposed Highway Improvement Program • 29