DOT 2018 - 2023 Proposed Highway Improvement Program | Page 12

Long Range Planning : GO T and Lake County ’ s 2040 Tra tion Plan
Transportation and Communication
Communicating with Lake County residents about the various programs , services and projects that LCDOT is working on is a top priority . We believe that the public should have access to this information , as it may impact their daily lives from construction along their commute to work , or safe road conditions during inclement winter weather . The public takes a much more active role in seeking out information about road construction , project meetings and other county services by checking Lake County PASSAGE from their mobile devices , sending email , interacting with us on Facebook , and even tweeting in requests for service .
Lake County is committed to transparency and participating in this conversation , no matter where it takes place . We utilize many of the communication channels available to us to connect motorists with the information they need to navigate Lake County ’ s highway system all year long . Our website , www . lakecountyil . gov / transportation , is designed with the user in mind , streamlining information so residents can find what they need easily , and mobile friendly for accessing the information from any device . We also produce email newsletters , generate informational videos , take people behind the scenes , share road closures and provide safety information using YouTube , Twitter , Facebook and Instagram .

Long Range Planning : GO T and Lake County ’ s 2040 Tra tion Plan

The Planning Process
The 2040 Transportation Plan followed a consensus-b including stakeholder and multi-agency involvemen efforts were coordination with the Blue Ribbon Advis which put forth its recommendation for Illinois Route Extension , and working with local partners to identif ties .
Roadway network modeling was built off of CMAP ’ s r portation model with adjustments to local character county model was calibrated with existing known tra baseline improvements were added to the network . cluded population and employment projections to t the corresponding traffic impacts to the roadway sys Analysis was based on three measures of performanc Service ( LOS ), Volume to Capacity Ratio ( V / C ), and Tra ( TDR ). The results of these measures were combined cy Index that identified roadways to be considered fo Improvements were then prioritized based on the De previous studies , cost , and potential to link people to
4 • 2018 - 2023 Proposed Highway Improvement Program