DOT 2018 - 2023 Proposed Highway Improvement Program | Page 28

Modernizing the System Leveraging technology to reduce conges- tion is one goal of a newly-launched data-sharing partnership with Waze, the free, crowdsourced traffi c and navigation app. Partnering with the Waze Connected Citizens Program Most modernization projects are developed based on traffi c engi- neering analysis. Modernization projects reduce delays and increase safety by more effi ciently operating the highway system and by accommodating short-term traffi c growth. For example, adding a left turn lane on the main highway will eliminate the back-up of traffi c behind a stopped vehicle waiting to turn left onto a side street, and adding a traffi c signal allows side street traffi c to safely enter the higher-traffi c highway. gives LCDOT traffi c engineers access to real-time road activ- ity as reported by Waze users. Using the data from motorist insights, with informa- tion already gener- Since 2008, traffi c crash reports have been received from IDOT. IDOT has an electronic crash report system with the police agencies and ated through the Lake the county has installed compatible software to access the IDOT elec- County PASSAGE tronic data. It is still necessary for LCDOT to obtain the actual crash system, operators can reports themselves for more complete analysis. make well informed decisions and act to reduce congestion and help keep traffi c mov- ing. Enhancing PAS- SAGE with Waze data will promote greater Projects which accommodate non-motorized travel are also included in the modernization category, as is the county’s implementation of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) elements through Lake County PASSAGE. Countywide coordination of paratransit service is also in the Modernization category. effi ciency, deeper insights and safer roads for motorists in Lake County. 20 • 2018 - 2023 Proposed Highway Improvement Program Modernization projects are normally given second priority.