Dossiers A Better Life The Psionic Predator, by Charles Cosimano | Page 65
from it. With this equipment and the ability to use it you can outmatch any such
problem agency. The key is in how you use it.
When attacking a bureaucracy, you are not only attacking the individual bureaucrat, but
the entire agency as well. This way if the principal individual drops dead, as he will
most assuredly, replacing him on the case will do no good. The entire agency will be in
To do this, you focus the hate not on an individual, but on the organization around him
using him as a radiating point to infect the organization with the mental virus you are
sending. As the energy permeates the organization, bad things will happen to bad
people. Documents will disappear. Computers will break down and the staff will start
to become very accident and sickness prone.
So how does that happen? It is really very simple and I'm amazed that more people
have not thought of it.
Everyone radiates energy. We know this. Think of people as large, walking light bulbs
illuminating everything in their path. The trick is program the energy field of the target
to radiate the energy you put into it outward rather than into the target himself. So if
you put disruptive energy into the person, everyone he comes into contact with,
everything that gets into the range of his field, will be engulfed by that disruptive power.
You can easily imagine the results. Things just go wrong. And they go wrong
whenever the person comes into the building! Well, after a while people will put two
and two together, get six and figure that what they are thinking has to be utter
nonsense. The notion that someone may bring bad luck with them to everyone he
comes into contact with is just too absurd for anyone with more than a fifth grade
education to take seriously.
So the target will continue to go to work and things will continually break down,
documents will keep disappearing, records will mysteriously catch fire and be erased
from computers, all manner of dreadfulness will happen.
People will come down with more illnesses than usual and sick time will multiply.
Accidents, serious accidents will start to happen and key employees will end up in the
hospital or dead.