Dossiers A Better Life The Psionic Predator, by Charles Cosimano | Page 9
"If rape or arson, poison or the knife,
Has wove no pleasing pattern in the stuff
Of this drab canvas we accept as life--
It is because we are not bold enough!"
Charles Baudelaire
Things are a lot different now that when I started playing with radionics. My BDSM
brethren like to whine a lot about being a persecuted minority, but they don't know what
persecuted means! When I got into this stuff it was dangerous and expensive.
Professionally made instruments were hard to come by, incredibly expensive (they still
are and that has to be changed somehow) often horribly made with very shoddy
materials (fortunately that has changed) and if you did not play your cards right you
could get into real trouble.
You see radionics had been developed as a healing art and as that had only
succeeded in getting its practitioners in the US in a lot of trouble. It was frankly illegal
and there were some states where it was actually illegal to own radionic equipment. Of
course those laws may still be there but god help anyone stupid enough to try to
enforce them. There are better ways to commit suicide.
I changed all that. Essentially I did three things.
First, I created devices that were dirt cheap to make. That was the easy part as I was
creating them for me. I did not want to spend a thousand dollars for a radionic box that
would literally fall apart when I could make one just as good for $25 that would not fall
apart. Now this changed the enforcement dynamic in a serious way because while the
threat of confiscation of equipment might carry a bit of weight if the equipment is rare
and expensive, it becomes pretty silly when the equipment can be replaced cheaply in
a matter of a couple of hours work.
Second, I spread the psionic gospel. I wrote a book and found a publisher with a name
and distribution. The cat was really out of the bag after that.
Third, and foremost in many ways, I weaponized radionics. I was the first to publicly
say that not only could radionics be used as a weapon (a fact which was actually pretty
well known among most of its practitioners who would never have actually had the guts
to admit it) but also give instructions on how to use it precisely as a weapon. With me