Dossiers A Better Life The Psionic Predator, by Charles Cosimano | Page 7
Declaration of Aggressive Individuality
Humanity is in danger and the danger is now so all-pervasive that to ignore it is
no longer possible.
The search for peace has become a refuge for tyranny. Humanity is born in
despair to live in fear and die in filth. The superior are ruled by the inferior. Too
many children are born and far too few of them die before reaching an age where
they can breed more of their worthless kind.
This must cease.
We condemn the sentimentality that sees the poverty of the poor as wrong. We
condemn the concept of justice which seeks to elevate the weak and foolish to
rank of human. We reject sensitivity. We reject fear.
We reject any attempt to impose any ethic which is at odds with our interests and
our pleasures.
To this end we declare:
1. That all are independent. That no individual is in any way responsible to any
other individual or group for his actions.
2. That violence has primacy in all non-loving human interaction.
3. That the earth exists to be exploited and despoiled as we see fit to do so.
4. That we reject all foolish notions of human dignity.
5. That we reject all notions of equality.
6. That the poor and weak and stupid may be exploited and despoiled as we see
fit to do so.
7. That we shall oppress, injure, torture and kill other human beings as it should
serve our purposes to do so. We affirm the joy of domination and abuse.
8. That we reject all notions of sexual morality and affirm the right to obtain
pleasure in any and all ways at the expense of whomsoever it should please us.
9. That we affirm our commitment to greed, power, prestige and money.
10. That we have the right to destroy any who seek to impose their will upon us
contrary to these declarations.