Dossiers A Better Life The Psionic Predator, by Charles Cosimano | Page 63
Now, in a civilized society, people could go down to the local camping and outdoor
supply shop and purchase a hunting license would entitle them to kill as many lawyers
as their ammunition supply would allow but, as I have often pointed out, we are not
living in a civilized society. And while shooting lawyers down in the street should be
considered a laudable and highly justified action, for some reason which eludes me and
everyone possessed of an ounce of intelligence, people get weird about that.
I know, it makes no sense at all.
Fortunately, with the aid of psionics, we do not have to care what society thinks about
anything. We can do whatever we want, the difference being in that we don't use
firearms or other things that can be traced, or even detected.
So let us give a hypothetical situation. You come home from work to discover that your
wife has had a minor accident while driving to the hairdresser that day. Ok, that should
be no big deal. The insurance can handle it. But, for some bizarre reason, you find
that you are being sued.
Ok, the insurance will handle it but you really want to teach that damnable ambulance-
chaser a lesson. Well, you can!
Lawyers love paper. Well, actually it is not that they love paper, they hate trees, but
then lawyers hate everything. (No, not like Uncle Chuckie! I love my wife and my cat
and I'm very fond of my readers.) And because they have this peculiar sexual hang-up
about paper, they tend to distribute it far and wide, with lots of gobbledygook printed on
it and their signatures.
Do you see something useful here?
The nasty letter from the lawyer is a perfect witness sample not only for the individual
lawyer but for his firm as well.
Oh my, I think he's gonna die!
How do you go about this?
Well, you have a witness sample, a radionic box and a helmet. You also have the
starblaster. What you are going to do is draw nasty energy into yourself using the
starblaster and then send that energy to the lawyer.
First, you have to draw the energy. To do that you set up the starblaster by putting the
Symbol of Ultimate Evil in the center of the amplifier pattern and then resting the device
on your lap with your hands on the hand plates.
What is the Symbol of Ultimate Evil you ask. Well, it was given us in the last century by
the process of taking a sacred symbol and perverting it in ways that even I could not
imagine (and I'm really good at perversion). Here it is.