Dossiers A Better Life The Psionic Predator, by Charles Cosimano | Page 61
One thing about politicians is that the never stay put! They move around like a plague
of locusts, devouring the land in the process. They are always off somewhere
speechifying or raising money or figuring out how to rob everyone else while
speechifying and raising money. And this gives you a chance to play with a landmine.
While politicians are always going somewhere, there are certain places that they keep
coming back to. That is because the location is just perfect for their particular audience
or they just happen to like the rubber chicken they devour in large quantities. (A
requirement for any politician, aside from plenteous hot air, is a cast iron stomach an
no taste buds.) After any given length of time, it is very easy to know what those places
are and prepare a landmine in them accordingly.
You follow the same procedure that you did with the speedtrap landmine. Only in this
case you program the landmine to make the politician look really really stupid. You do
this by giving the landmine a name and using that name to lock onto the thoughtform
for repeated chargings so that once a day for about a week before the target is to give
his talk and raise money, you charge the landmine to make him stumble over his own
At the appointed time and place, the politician will step up to the podium, make some
biblical reference to his introduction, such as saying that he now knows what all the
Philistines felt like because he too has been slain by the jawbone of an ass (somebody
actually did respond to a butchered introduction that way many years ago) and begin to
speak. And as he does so, the thoughtform will hit him and he will unceremoniously
jam both of his feet in his mouth sideways in front of a shocked or laughing audience
while the television cameras record his every blunder.
Of course with politicians the fun does not stop there. They do not have the
intelligence to figure out that if they make a joke of their blunders the whole incident will
be forgotten in a couple of days. They have to explain things and explain things and
explain things and in doing so dig themselves into a hole and look totally ridiculous at
the same time. So one good psychic landmine under a podium truly is the gift that
keeps on giving.