Dossiers A Better Life The Psionic Predator, by Charles Cosimano | Page 58
Landmines are wonderful things. What can be more fun that sticking something in the
ground and forgetting it, knowing that at some time in the undetermined future some
useless child will step on it and be blown to perdition and may Moloch accept his
And they might be the one thing that could make soccer interesting. After all, the
difference between football, real football and soccer is that football is played by large
Americans in armor and soccer is played by little gay foreigners in their underwear.
Ok, to be realistic, we can't just go around planting explosives, fun though that may be.
They tend to be a bit expensive and if you get caught people get really weird for
reasons that I have never quite understood. After all, everyone needs a hobby and if a
few people get blown up in the process it is not like anyone who matters, namely me, is
going to miss them. That being said, with psionics we can do the next best thing. We
can create psychic landmines that will cause, if they work right, almost as much and
maybe even more damage to the unsuspecting but oh-so-worthy-of-destruction victims.
For never forget:
Victims are scum! That is why they are victims.
In my first book, Elementary Psionics, I describe how to make a psychic landmine to
make people like you. Now I will describe how to make one that will make life difficult
for our favorite targets, traffic cops and politicians.
First let's go after the pigs. That is always fun and my readers love these ideas.
Traffic cops tend to pick places along the road where they can hide and jump out to
snatch honest citizens. They are EVIL and must be dealt with accordingly, without
mercy or compassion. If they were decent people they would have decent jobs so do
not feel any guilt about making their lives nasty, brutish and short. Their lives are
already nasty and brutish.
Your first task is to determine the place where these scumbags tend to hide or gather.
The police station is, of course, an obvious target, but you do not need need a
landmine to deal with that. For that you would use location fire. The place you are
looking for is the hiding place, or just the place where they tend to lie in wait and that is
pretty easy to figure out because you probably drive past one of them every day and
see them sitting there looking at their radar meter hoping that the microwaves from the