the first dial on the left until it feels right . Repeat that with the other dials . Now , you have to understand that when you tune a radionic device what is happening is that a relationship is between locked in between your consciousness and the subject of the operation . There is nothing physical , certainly nothing electronic at work here .
Put the helmet on your head and if you know the direction that your target is from you , face that if possible . It is not necessary , but it sometimes makes things easier .
Get a good picture of her in your mind . Concentrate on the center of her forehead , where the brow chakra is . That is a good receiving point for this . If you can , visualize the center of her forehead in the cross hairs of a gunsight , but that , again , is not necessary , only fun .
Now pour energy into that chakra , visualizing it as a beam of red light , filling her chakra with an overdose of energy and see that energy going out to the muscles under her forehead , causing them to tighten . That is actually what causes most headaches . Keep doing this for about five to ten minutes . ( It is a good idea to invest in a timer .) At the end of that time , take off the helmet and have a good laugh at the thought of her running for the aspirin .
Now , we can have even more nasty fun with this technique . Let us suppose that you have had it up to your nose with your Aunt Letitia . First , she has a ridiculous name which is embarrassing everyone who has to say it . Second , she keeps wanting to drag your ass to church even though she and everyone else in the family knows that you are a High Priest in the Orthodox Church of Satan ! ( and please don ' t tell me that there really is an Orthodox Church of Satan , I just made it up )
Well , enough is enough ! You can ' t stand it anymore and she has go to go , in some prolonged and entertaining manner . How about a brain hemmorage ? Those are always fun .
Repeat the above procedure , but now , instead of visualizing her forehead , look through her thick skull into her brain . Yes , in spite of all outward appearances , she actually has one , everyone does , even my in-laws , even-gasp-Packers fans .
Once you have that image , go looking around the brain for weak blood vessels . She has some , everyone does . When you get the image in your mind of a blood vessel that is showing signs of strain , start visualizing that blood vessel breaking , spewing blood all over her brain and both starving the circuitry of nourishment and drowning it at the same time . Get as gory and graphic as you want with this . You can never be too nasty .
Keep pouring it on . And repeat the procedure at the same time every day until you hear that she has been rushed to the hospital and with any luck has died on the spot . At the very least , she will suffer a massive stroke and spend the rest of her days as a drooling idiot .