her out as a blimp or worse , have her standing on a street corner with a sign that reads "$ 4.95 , Crabs free !"
Ok , now you have a pendulum and the two charts . So far so good . The next thing that you need is going to be the basis for the machines in this book--an amplifying pattern .
There are two basic types of amplifying pattern , the circle pattern , otherwise known as the Magnetron , and the pyramid square . These take a bit of explaining , so here we go .
The Magnetron started off as a normal , electronic device , the cavity magnetron , which was nothing more than solid copper cylinder with holes and vanes drilled into it . When hooked to some sort of amplifier system this device created microwaves at a certain band which was really useful for aircraft radar and it is still used in various forms . Secretly developed by the British in WW2 for their fighters , it did not stay secret long because the copper cylinder was virtually indestructible and all it took was for the clever Germans to find one in a crash site and figure out what to do with it .
Unfortunately the French got their hands on it as well and you know the French ! It was not long before a couple of French radisthesiests got really drunk on cheap wine and decided that it would be fun to see what the pattern of the holes and vanes would do to a pendulum . But even they were surprised when the pendulum jumped out of their hands ! After that , they started experimenting and discovered that there was some mysterious ( and it still is !) force in the center of the pattern that amplified the psychic energy of anything that was placed in it .
In the 1970s , Christopher Hills got his hands on it and went to work to try to figure out how to make it more powerful . As he was operating under the assumption that all this psychic stuff related to the earth ' s magnetic field , he added magnets in alternating polarities under the outer circles and came up with this . It was a simple , elegant design and it worked very well as a psionic transmitter .