Dossiers A Better Life The Psionic Predator, by Charles Cosimano | Page 16
You have to learn not to be controlled by fashions in thought. If you listen to any news,
you will hear a litany of things people say are bad things, but you must be willing to
question whether they are really bad or merely something people do not approve of,
and ultimately you will realize that all that is considered evil is merely that which is not
socially acceptable at the moment.
You must learn to be able to think in ways that are not socially acceptable. You must
liberate yourself from that bondage.
Let us take a common example, racism. Now, there are many rational objections to
racism. If I am in the hospital hovering between life and death I am not going to waste
a lot of time worrying about the color of the doctor's skin or the spelling of his last
name. On the other hand, allowing yourself to have a racist thought is not going to kill
you. And it will probably make you feel all warm and glowy inside knowing that you
have thought something forbidden and, if you are home, do not be afraid to say the evil
Now, didn't that feel good?
Ok, this is something you do in private because you still have to deal with other people
and it does not have to reflect your real feelings. What it does do is give you control
over your own mind, freeing you from a constraint.
The important thing to get into your head is that you and you alone determine what
ideas you will hold and it does not matter what anyone else thinks. Just because
someone thinks that something is wrong does not make it so. Just because a chorus
says that something is wrong does not make it so. It is might that defines right and
never forget that Psionics is might.
Whatever you do is right by definition because you, and you alone, make that definition
and you make that definition by the fact that you have the power to make it and no one
has the power to stop you. The fact that holding or expressing an idea, or performing
an action may be socially inconvenient does not alter that essential rightness. Learn to
make that distinction. And remember, the mere fact that someone objects to something
is a pretty good reason to do it. If someone does not like what you are doing and is in
no position to stop you, ram it down that person's throat!