Dossiers A Better Life Find your Guiding Angel | Page 44
← Vav Aleph Lamed ←
20° To 25° Gemini - LAVIAH - Revelation - REMOVING EGO
17 Lauviah - To be invoked while fasting. Against mental anguish, sadness.
Governs high sciences, marvelous discoveries. Gives revelations in dreams. Loves music,
poetry, literature and philosophy.
Perspective - Hypocrisy and selfishness are slaves of the ego. At this time you need to get
over your pride in order to achieve your goal. Caprices and unrealistic expectations may
cause you to lose control over yourself. You may lose the situation if you do not proceed
Direction - Even though you know you have an advantage over others, you must conquer
the urge to prove your superiority. Control your impulses and be candid in order solve the
conflict once and for all.
Bottom Line - If you can generate a win-win situation, your success is secured.
Lamed.Alef.Vav is a powerful amulet that promotes self control, release from egotism,
hypocrisy, enslavement to caprices, and the need to transcend others.
17. Deus Mirabils (The marvelous God); ( Lamed Alef Vav ) LaAVa
The Book of Psalms Chapter 8:2
Latin Vulgate 8:2 Domine Dominator noster quam grande est nomen tuum in universa
terra qui posuisti gloriam tuam super caelos