Dossiers A Better Life Find your Guiding Angel | Page 34
← Ayin Hey Hey ←
25° To 30° Taurus - HAHAIAH - Refuge, Shelter - TRANSFORM HATRED THROUGH
12 Hahaiah - Against adversity. Governs dreams. Mysteries hidden from mortals. Gentle,
witty, discreet manners.
Perspective - A close friend will soon become a lover. Good chances that a happy
marriage will develop between the two of you. A favorable business union between you
and your close friend is also possible. Money is coming to you unexpectedly as a gift,
reward, inheritance or bonus for your highly appreciated work.
Direction - Love is the eternal gift to mankind. Each one of us is a vessel through which it
is channeled into the world. Let the good vibrations of love echo through you. What seems
to be negative may reveal itself as a blessing and bring you joy in the future.
Bottom Line - Strengthening the relationships with brothers and sisters shall bring joy and
comfort into your life. Someone in the family is expecting a new baby.
He.He.Ayin is a powerful amulet that will induce unconditional love: awaken love and
relationships, love of mankind, achieve joy, promote marriage and friendships, relieve
bitterness, hatred and resentment.
12. Deus Refugium (God the refuge); ( hey hey ain ) – HeHeA
The Book of Psalms Chapter 10:1
Latin Vulgate 10:1 quare Domine stas a longe dispicis in temporibus angustiae