Dossiers A Better Life Find your Guiding Angel | Page 26
← Tav Hey Kaf ←
5° To 10° Taurus - CAHETEL - Divine Blessings - REMOVE NEGATIVE ENERGY FROM
8 Cahetel - To obtain the benediction of God and to drive away evil spirits. Governs
agricultural production. Inspires man to rise towards God.
Perspective - You are bombarded by negative emotions like anger, sadness and despair,
and feel miserable in your present situation. The nerve-racking condition indicates an
imbalance of the energies that surround you. Too many emotional strains are imposed on
you by upsetting conditions and frustration with close people.
Direction - It’s time to discern what is truly meaningful and supportive in your life: What
is right, significant and essential should be kept. Negative influences will have to be
eliminated in order to preserve your sanity. Move forward with your life without looking
back. Seek the company of happy laughing people.
Bottom Line - Stress will be relieved, you will be able to complete important assignments
and handle your affairs skillfully.
Caf.He.Tav is a powerful amulet that will help dismiss negative energies from your
surroundings and relieve anger and resentment. It helps rid you of sadness, depression,
misery, and fear. It will balance conditions of frustration, aggression and worry.
8. Deus Adorandus (The adored God); ( Caf Hey Tav ) CaHeTa
The Book of Psalms Chapter 95:6