Dossiers A Better Life Find your Guiding Angel | Page 24
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0° To 5° Taurus - ACHAIAH - Patience - BRING ORDER INTO YUOR LIFE BY
7 Achaiah - Governs patience, secrets of nature. Loves learning, proud to accomplish the
most difficult tasks.
7. Deus Longanimis (The forbearing or patient God); ( Alef Caf Alef ) ACaA
The Book of Psalms Chapter 103:8
Latin Vulgate 103:8 misericors et clemens Dominus patiens et multae miserationis
King James Version 103:8 The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and
plenteous in mercy.
AChaAYA Achaiah – Governs patience, secrets of nature. Loves learning, proud to
accomplish the most difficult tasks.
Influence time and dates 02:01:- 02:20 21th April until the 25th April inclusively
ACHAIAH. His attribute is Good and Patient God .
His ray begins at the 31st degree of the circle up to the 35th inclusive, corresponding to the
fourth decade and to the angel called Chous, under the influence of Mercury.
He presides over the following days: 26th March, 6th June, 17th August, 28th October and
8th January.