Dossiers A Better Life Find your Guiding Angel | Page 172

Freedom 27 Yerathel, 29 Reiyel Friendship 61 Umabel G Gardening 23 Melahel, 30 Omael, 68 Habuhiah Generosity 22 Yeiayel, 56 Poyel Gentleness 56 Poyel Germs 30 Omael, 68 Habuhiah Goodness 9 Haziel, 56 Poyel, 65 Damabiah Grace 10 Aladiah Guilt, Feelings of 32 Vasariah Gums 68 Habuhiah Gynecology 30 Omael H Hallucinations 12 Hahaiah, 17 Lauviah Hands 3 Sitael, 63 Anauel Healing 6 Lelahel, 10 Aladiah, 23 Melahel, 68 Habuhiah Heart 45 Sealiah Hemorrhage 65 Damabiah Hemorrhoids 68 Habuhiah Hernias 33 Yehuiah, 39 Rehael, 45 Sealiah Herpes 20 Pahaliah, 30 Omael, 68 Habuhiah Hips 3 Sitael, 28 Seheiah Homeland, Return to one’s 24 Haheuiah, 35 Chavakhiah, 36 Menadel, 69 Rochel Homeopathy 23 Melahel Honesty 18 Caliel, 32 Vasariah House/Home, Blessing of 8 Cahetel, 12 Hahaiah, 25 Nith-Haiah Humility 56 Poyel, 65 Damabiah Humor 56 Poyel Hurricanes 8 Cahetel, 45 Sealiah I Ignorance 21 Nelkhael, 62 Iahhel Illnesses (in general) 23 Melahel, 51 Hahasiah, 68 Habuhiah Illusions 12 Hahaiah, 17 Lauviah, 25 Nith-Haiah Impatience 7 Achaiah Impotence 20 Pahaliah, 33 Yehuiah, 48 Mihael Improvisation 50 Daniel, 64 Mehiel Indiscretion 26 Haaiah Infection 23 Melahel, 68 Habuhiah Inflammation 23 Melahel, 68 Habuhiah Inheritance 35 Chavakhiah, 69 Rochel