Dossiers A Better Life Find your Guiding Angel | Page 114

← Mem Mem Ayin ← 52 15° To 20° Sagittarius - IMAMIAH - Expiation of Errors - CORRECT CONSCIOUSNESS IN PRAYER 52 Imamiah - Destroys the power of enemies and humbles them. Governs voyages in general, protects prisoners who turn to him and gives them the means of obtaining their freedom. Forceful, vigorous temperament, bears adversity with patience and courage. Fond of work. Perspective - You get bored and unfulfilled in your relationship and wait for something extraordinary to happen in order to rekindle your enthusiasm. You are unable to enjoy the present moment and feel it is all a waste of time. Direction - Total assimilation in a long term relationship might cause a person to lose themself and forget their own uniqueness, therefore, do not neglect your personal interests. It’s up to you to decide what makes you a whole individual: is it being half of something, or being a whole person…The cure for boredom is constant curiosity and searching for inspiration. Bottom Line - Learning something new will be the first step to your self-emergence. Dedication to a greater cause will fill you with enthusiasm. Ayin.Mem.Mem is a powerful amulet that induces enthusiasm, spirituality, devotion and inspiration. It reinforces nourishment from the root of the soul and helps dispel dullness. 52. Deus Caligine tectus (The God hidden in darkness); ( Ain Mem Mem ) - AMeMe Psalms 7:18 (Hebrew Ver.)