Dossiers A Better Life Find your Guiding Angel | Page 112

← Shin Chet Hey ← 51 10° To 15° Sagittarius - HAHASIAH - Universal Medicine - POWER OF REPUTANCE TO REPAIR PAST SINS 51 Hahasiah - For the elevation of the soul and the discovery of the mysteries of wisdom. Governs chemistry and physics. Reveals the secret of the Philosopher's Stone and universal medicine. Loves abstract science. Devoted to the discovery of the properties of animals, plants and minerals. Distinguished in medicine. 51. Deus Secretus impenetrabilis (God, the inpenetrable secret); ( Hey Chet Shin ) – HeCheShi ( Che pronouncing like in Spanish ) Psalms 104:31 pronouncing the 31st verse of Psalm 104: The glory of the Lord shall endure for ever: the Lord shall rejoice in his works (Sit gloria Domini in saeculum: laetabitur Dominus in operibus suis). HeCheShiYA Hahasiah - For the elevation of the soul and the discovery of the mysteries of wisdom. Governs chemistry and physics. Reveals the secret of the Philosopher's Stone and universal medicine. Loves abstract science. Devoted to the discovery of the properties of animals, plants and minerals. Distinguished in medicine. Influence time and dates 16:41 - 17:00 30th November until the 4th December inclusively HAHASIAH. His attribute is Concealed God . He corresponds to the holy divine name of God Bila in the language of the Barsians.