Dorchester Magazine December 2012 | Page 10

Director Hanaa Shaaban
Editors Mazen Al Angary Wael Abu Mansour Dean Ismail Nahla Musbah
Design & Distribution Prince Faisal Bin Mansour
Photography Prince Saud Bin Mansour Anthony Rahayel Mariwan Salihi
Art Director & Production Manager Sharafudheen Machingal
Junior Graphic Designer Rafeekh Mannanthodi
IT Support
Mohammed Faisal Editorial Content Services
Published quarterly by :
Dorchester Communications & Publications Downtown Beirut , Lebanon P . O . Box : 11-4112 Telephone : + 961 1 999 323 Fax : + 961 1 999 322 dorchestermag @ dorchesteres . com www . dorchester-magazine . com
Owner Lebanese British Real Estates company S . A . L . ( Dorchester )
Dear Readers ,
It is with great pleasure that we launch the first issue of the Dorchester Magazine , a bilingual English-Arabic publication , created by the Dorchester International Group , a leading real estate corporation with offices in Europe and the Middle East .
The Dorchester Magazine has a comprehensive vision of real-estate activities , which isn ’ t limited to property as it rather embraces all facets of LIVING . We offer you insight into new developments & technologies , which shape the immediate environment , and elements of design and fashion that make your living space a unique haven .
The Dorchester Magazine comes at interesting times ; when decisions must be based on current and credible data . We will provide you with the latest information on laws , property values and the general investment climate from leading experts in the field , financial institutes , government officials , architects , and designers , to name a few , making our publication your preferred and trusted source in the real estate industry .
We have articles in both Arabic and English , selecting the language of each article to correspond with our readers ' interests , depending on area or topic . With summaries of each article in the other language , we aim to broaden our audience base to encompass both English and Arabic readers .
In this issue we provide you with a critical analysis of energy efficient homes and their impact on oil prices . You will also find articles on the effect of the Egyptian revolution on real estate , an outlook on tourism in Dubai since the Arab Spring and a highlight on the investment climate in Iraq . We are also happy to bring you the first map of the long awaited Saudi Arabia railroad and for the fashionista in you , an in-depth interview with Nino Cerruti .
In this issue we brought together our professional experience and unique access to markets and experts to offer you the top-notch information on the real-estate industry !
With 2013 on the doorsteps we take the opportunity to wish you a happy new year and promise you , our valued readers , many more interesting topics in the coming issues ....
Dorchester Team
All the ideas and the opinions mentioned in the articles only reflect the opinion of their authors and the magazine shall not be held liable thereof .
10 DORCHESTER December 2012