\1) I have a 15 year old daughter
2) I hate guacamole
3) I am a certified Program Manangement Professional specializing in Enterprise Application Development
4) I love small dogs like Yorkie's
5) I lost my mom, dad, grandparents and great grandparents all in the span of 5 years.
What makes you more unique than other artists?
I am a conscience soul with a good dose of hood left in me. I have a propensity to love everything that is good in life without making it too perfect as I know what it's like to be flawed. My music is representative of these "flaws" in life....the very things people would normally get shunned for are the most beautiful depictions of life to me.
What's one trait about yourself that you don't like?
I anger slowly however once I'm there is very hard to pull me back in. I have over the years gotten better at controlling my inner beast however occasionally there is a breaking point there is a breaking point. I admit God Is not done with me yet by a long shot.
me yet by a long shot. I believe one reason I was and to some extent still am this way is that I love hard and I hate harder if that love is the reason for my anger or frustration. I have a tendency to walk away but not before giving you a serious piece of my mind.
Who's someone you would like to work with in the industry, and why?
Would love to work with so many in the industry from D'Angelo to Common. missy Elliot, pharrell, Kanye west oh my God the list is endless really. Two all time favorites of those living would be Drake and Jayz.
Who's someone you would like to work with in the industry, and why?
Would love to work with so many in the industry from D'Angelo to Common. missy Elliot, pharrell, Kanye west oh my God the list is endless really. Two all time favorites of those living would be Drake and Jayz
Who were some of your biggest influences that are in the same field you are in?.
In IT, Steve Jobs and Mark Benioff of Salesforce. in Music, Rakim, KRSOne, NAS, Common, Grand Puba, DeLaSoul, Tribe Called Quest, QTip just by himself as a DJ, Emcee and Producer, NoID, Butta Pro, PeteRock, so many others this simply is not a fair question :)
Compare yourself to some one that is more established, who would that be and why?
I can't. I have to be me.
What made you want to get into the business?
It's been 22 years a dream deferred this time it was for the fallen soldiers dying everyday either in gang violence in urban areas or those that have fallen to institutionalize racism.
What is the most difficult thing you have had to endure in life or in the industry?
The struggle of being a single parent. My daughter is my life and I have struggle so hard to make a better life for her. All the years I walked away from music to ensure she was safe, well deserved and my pleasure to do as a parent. All the years I worked a full time job and went to school on nights and weekends, brutal but so worth it to