and are going to continuously make the music that allows us to grow creatively as artist and not worry about the bank. Never losing sight of why I started down this path; it wasn't to make money, but to let people know that we're not all that different and can relate to each other.urus, ultric-ies ut hendrerit ac, imperdiet et lectus.
What made you want to get into the business?
So I believe it was about five years ago and I was bored thinking, "I want to try to make a cd." I always loved music but I wanted to see what I could create, so I downloaded a bunch of beats and started to write to them. I would post my verses on Facebook and my brother Andre Hill (HoTTraXxX) saw my verses and told me I should come in work in his home studio. Dre and I grew up together but there was a time when at a younger age our distance kind of gapped our friendship, but when we reconnected on Facebook that day it changed everything. We got to work and the rest is history.
What is the most difficult thing you have had to endure in life or in the industry?
I would say, in the industry, rejection, which actually becomes easier to deal with the more you hear it, and you hear "no" a lot. As an artist you want an opportunity to be heard/perform so bad and industry people fake on you or don't stay true to their word or don't hit you back, honestly it gets discouraging. But you have to keep grinding and never give up.The industry has taught be persistence, patience, and practice, practice, practice. I think its honestly made me a better person.