Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 6 | Page 93

3SG9 : 3SG5 , I have personally been investigating this [ the Illuminati / the occult ] for many years . There are so many names involved in their shadowy cult ; so many people involved in this sick cult [ the Illuminati ]; I understand it is going to take Donald a while to write up all the names of the original people , he has seen as REM driven cloned versions of themselves at the cloning center , and what they have done as REM driven cloned versions of themselves at the cloning center ; it will take some time to write up . By the way , I have helped to so lve over fifth-teen murders now ; and I have also helped to find four to five missing people ’ s bodies . I am a seer [ a person with supposed supernatural insight , who has the ability to foretell events . Some “ seers ” also have the ability to “ Remote view ”. Remote viewing is the practice of seeking impressions about a target or an unseen object by using extrasensory perceptions or “ seeing with the mind ”] and I am getting more , and more accurate with each passing day .
I believe Donald ’ s claims about his experiences as a victim , in the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture [ to be true ], and I do agree that Donald must take steps in order to ensure his success , against the Illuminati . Furthermore , if it is the wish of everybody reading this thread , I will display results of some of my past investigations , with similar claims [ such as the claims Donald Marshall has made against these high profile people mentioned in his open letter ( Donald Marshall Proboards 2012a )] against these freaks [ the Illuminati ].
DM : So long as I get to see Queen Elizabeth II in a prison cell once the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture has been fully exposed and worldly known [ I ’ ll be happy with that result ]. Yes 3SG9 , many people reading the information here concerning the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture , know [ and feel ] the information is true . Everybody just wants to get the Illuminati members for the crimes they have committed against humanity right now ! I do too ! However , “ The best things come to those who wait ” ( Heinz Ketchup ) ( xlogold 2006 ; justking81 2008 ) – I stole that line [ borrowed that slogan ]; I thought it will sound cool [ to use the Heinz Ketchup slogan ]. May 24 , 2012 at 7:34pm
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