Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 6 | Page 35

DM : Anonymous ( We Are Legion ) were also pleased to learn that through REM driven cloning technology , the Illuminati communicates their biggest secrets at an undisclosed location as REM driven cloned versions of themselves . Furthermore , because of REM driven cloning technology , and consciousness transfer , this gives the Illuminati the functionality , of being in two places at once : their original body is asleep in one location , while the Illuminati members are active and walking around the same earth as cloned versions of themselves in a different location . REM driven cloning technology also gives the Illuminati the perfect alibis , because they can , and have done terrible things as REM driven clone versions of themselves in one location , but have the alibi of being at a completely different location to the places where the crimes were committed , and as a consequence , Illuminati members have escaped prosecution of many crimes because of this concealed advancement in technology .
The Illuminati also do their most deplorable acts as REM driven clone versions of themselves to innocent Canadians and Americans , as well as , many people of differing nationalities , worldwide . However , sometimes the Illuminati have real people in their original bodies , kidnapped and brought to the cloning center , to be victimised in front of the on-looking crowd of REM driven clones sitting in the arena . Many children are also cloned by the Illuminati , and used by the Illuminati for many aspects , for the Illuminati ’ s amusement . I made the [ Former ] Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper cry ( as a REM driven clone version of himself ). As a REM driven clone version of himself at the cloning center , Stephen Harper believes he is going to be pulled ( in his original body ) from his home and lynched in the street by an angry large mob ... As a REM driven clone version , at the cloning center , [ Former ] Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper expressed that “ He wants to leave the country ” as tears were flowing down his REM driven clone face ... May 23 , 2012 at 10:09am
3SG2 : Where is this proof [ about human cloning / the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture ]? I have been reading your accounts for a while and still no proof [ of human cloning or REM driven cloning ]. Children are being tortured daily , for real , by real cults , and they not being tortured “ as clones ”; they are being tortured as REAL children [ in their original bodies ].
3SG3 : The situation Donald describes about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture , is not so cool if you are a victim . The Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture is NOT a joke ! I have been investigating such phenomenon for many years , and the information Donald is divulging , fits into my years long worth of investigations .
3SG4 : Donald , I have a suggestion : rather than sparring with the Illuminati [ going back and for with the Illuminati REM driven clones ], demand the location of the cloning center the next time the Illuminati activate you as a REM driven clone . Nobody in their right mind is going to ‘ confront ’ [ Former Canadian Prime Minister ] Stephen Harper based on your letter ( Donald Marshall Proboards 2012a ) [ regarding the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture ] alone . Courts of law require evidence , therefore demand the location of the cloning center next time you are activated as a REM driven clone , and I will get someone to go to the cloning center .
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