DM : Furthermore , if the person of Asian ethnic origin , does decide to speak publicly against the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , despite the threats made against him or her , by the Illuminati ( during the time when him or her , and the Illuminati members were REM driven clone versions of original people , at the cloning center ); the next time the person of Asian ethnic origin goes to sleep , and enters REM sleep , the Illuminati will activate him or her as a REM driven clone version ( through the process of consciousness transfer ), and torture multiple REM driven clones of the person of Asian ethnic origin , while simultaneously transferring that person ’ s consciousness to the multiple REM driven clones to , be tortured ; clone death , after clone death ; until the person of Asian ethnic origin has a heart attack or aneurysm in their original ( real ) body and dies ( during sleep , or even after waking up ) because consciousness is linked ( Petkova and Ehrsson 2008 ; Ehrsson 2013 ), and the person ’ s original body will have registered all the pain suffered as a REM driven clone version , because consciousness is linked ( Petkova and Ehrsson 2008 ; Ehrsson 2013 ).
People have a higher chance of surviving REM driven clone torture , and not dying in their original bodies , from torture suffered as a REM driven clone version , when they are young . Agreeing to be a part of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture is more or less , “ selling your soul ” – because every time a person sleeps and enters REM sleep that person has given their consent to be activated as a REM driven clone version of themselves at a cloning center . Nonetheless , the Illuminati say it is not the soul which is sold or transferred to the REM driven clone ; it is only a person ’ s consciousness . May 23 , 2012 at 3:43am
May 22 nd 2012 How random civilians are recruited into the Illuminati ’ s cloning subculture
3SG1 : [ Thanks for answering my question , Donald ]... But , where ‘ on the streets ’, do the Illuminati find random civilians who can sing or rap amazingly ? Are these people who can sing and rap found through talent shows , or through other people ? Do plenty of people initiated into the Illuminati ’ s REM driven , human cloning subculture , want to leave after a while [ of experiencing life as REM driven clones ]?
DM : The Illuminati find random civilians who have a skill for singing or rapping from all over the world , to join their REM driven cloning subculture . Some people do want to leave the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture after having been a part of it ; others think their lives will benefit from staying in the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture and are therefore are compliant with the wishes of the Illuminati . Others , including random civilians , are purposefully activated by the Illuminati to serve the function of being REM driven clone slaves , at the cloning center ( while their original body , is asleep at home ; this can include REM driven clone sex slaves , as well as , REM driven idea clone slaves ); some of these people who are activated at the cloning center to serve the purpose of being a REM driven clone sex slave , retain the memories of their experiences as a REM driven clone sex slave . Some people do not have their experiences of being a REM driven clone slave suppressed , and are purposefully left with their experiences and memories intact by the Illuminati , in order for some people to retain memories of their experiences as a REM driven clone slave ; other REM driven clone slaves are kept memory suppressed .
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